STTA Yogyakarta STT Adisutjipto
Jurnal Angkasa Tahun 2012 Oleh Hero Wintolo

Penerapan Quick Sort pada Pemrosesan Parallel Berbasis Personal Komputer (PC) dalam Local Area Network (LAN) Guna Mendukung Load Balancing

Applications that use parallel processing in a LAN-based PC can run by using a socket that is interconnected between PCs. Processing occurs when the PC acting as a server, send some instructions to be processed by the client computer processor that level of activity can be read from the server side.
Data indicator process every PC has not been sequenced so as to cause the work load becomes unbalanced instruction execution. To balance the needs sorting method client condition data processor using the Quick Sort. This method works by comparing each of the right and left of the series of data to be sorted to find the first pivot.
The results of sequencing using Quick Sort method can be used for load balancing of the instructions that will be sent by the server to the client computer to do a process, so that the balance of the performance of parallel processing applications can be achieved.
Keywords: Quick Sort, Parallel Processing, Load Balancing


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