STTA Yogyakarta STT Adisutjipto
Jurnal Angkasa Tahun 2011 Oleh Freddy Kurniawan

Implementasi Pengukur Nilai Tegangan RMS Jala-jala Listrik berbasis Mikrokontroler

This research is one of the researches that form the road-map for research to improve electrical power factor based microcontroller. In this system, the grid voltage is converted using the step-down transformer. The voltage is adjusted by the signal conditioning in order to be properly sampled by the microcontroller’s ADC. After the frequency of the grid voltage is calculated, the ADC can sample grid voltage with a frequency-samples 64 times the fundamental frequency of the voltage grid.
From the data of samples that use 8-bit format, its true-RMS value is calculated. From the analysis has been performed, the RMS voltage value measured precise if the input voltage ranges from 170 V to 250 V with its frequency 45 Hz to 62 Hz. Measurement error will be even greater with the decreasing voltage grid.
Keywords: grid voltage, true-RMS, microcontroller.


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