STTA Yogyakarta STT Adisutjipto
Jurnal Angkasa Tahun 2011 Oleh Dedet Hermawan S., Siswanto

Sambungan Plat Baja Karbon Rendah dengan Plat Alumunium 6061 menggunakan spot Welding dan Filler Paduan Baja – All Terhadap beban geser

This study analyzed the treatment results of low carbon steel plate connecting with Alumuium 6061. The material on the dial is a low carbon steel plate thickness of 1 mm width 20 mm in conjunction with 6061 Aluminum plate thickness of 2 mm width 20 mm. Between the two plates which are connected in the use of filler alloy steel material-all diameter of 10 mm, thickness 1 mm and 2 mm.
Grafting using point welding (spot welding), in specimen 1 (filler 1 mm thick) using the output voltage of 2.67 V and a welding time of 2.5 seconds, while specimen 2 (2 mm thick filler) using the output voltage of 2.67 V and welding time of 5 seconds.
The results show that welding on a specimen can be continued, while the second specimen is not the case the connection (failed). Then do a test specimen 1 in the shear load and testing of Metallography. From the shear test on getting the price of 1.56 KN shear fracture. Testing Metallographic ie at the weld area (weld metal), and HAZ regions. From the results of metallographic tests in getting a metal filler that can not bind (no bond) with the parent metal of steel, while the filler metal can bind to (happen bond) with the parent metal allumunium. difference in melting points far adrift between two base metals resulting in the continued quality of the connection does not work well.

Keywords: Spot Welding , Low Carbon Steel, Aluminum Metal 6061, Metal Filler


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