STTA Yogyakarta STT Adisutjipto
Jurnal Angkasa Tahun 2015 Oleh Dewanti Ratna Pertiwi

Learners’ Belief of How to Become Successful Learners of English for Specific Purposes

The role of English as a foreign language drives it to be an interesting case to study. The case is not only in its linguistic aspects but also the pedagogical and psychological aspects. One of the interesting matters in English for Specific Purposes is the learners who are considered as the center of instruction. This research attempts to answer What are learners’ beliefs how to develop themselves to become successful ESP learners?
To answer the research question, the study employed a phenomenology research study with two data sources: interviews and classroom observations. This study involved five technical college students to represent various perspectives about developing successful ESP learners. The teachers were interviewed once and the classroom activities were observed during the lesson.
The findings of the research reveal three points. The first, ESP learners develop proper character values through the ESP instruction. Secondly, successful ESP learners are able to maximize learner variable that is a number of indicators which already attached to every learner before the learners experience a learning program. The third, successful ESP learners are able to develop learning variable that is a number of indicators to be mastered by a learner in a learning program intensively and extensively.


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